Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Does a Persons Own Natural Microbial Gut Flora Contribute to Obesity Research Paper

Does a Persons Own Natural Microbial Gut Flora Contribute to Obesity - Research Paper Example Numerous species of bacteria are known to have evolved, grown and lived in the human intestine. Scientist such as Delzenne and Cani argue that the human gut is a habitat for between 300 and 500 different species of bacteria (277). Other scientists ascertain that the human intestine is a microbial ecosystem that contains more than 100 trillion microorganisms (Ley, Turnbaugh, Klein and Gordon 1023). The bacteria in the human gut have been linked to obesity by many research findings. This essay will investigate and report whether a person’s own natural microbial gut flora contribute to obesity. Traditionally, the key players linked to obesity have always been diet, exercise, lifestyle and one’s genes. The less one moves, the less the calories they burn and the more they are likely to eat, hence retaining a lot of calories and increasing the chances of being obese. This equation has sometimes been influenced by one’s genes. However, Simon and Gorbach (174) argue that the above mentioned factors do not adequately explain every obesity case that is reported. Researchers are continually discovering another factor that contributes to the rapid increase in one’s body weight; the bacteria in one’s gut. Until recently, the bacteria in the human gut have been ignored as potential causes of obesity. ... Most of these microbes are scientifically proven to perform a wide range of vital bodily functions such as helping in the regulation of calories that the human body receives from food. These calories would have otherwise been stored by the body as fat; hence these microbes can simply be said to aid in the regulation of weight (Simon and Gorbach 174). According to a new study published in the International Diary Journal of Health, the particular type and balance of microbes harbored by the human body in the guts can either contribute to the body becoming lean or obese. These microbes have the capacity to manipulate themselves so as to potentially change the weight of the body (Delzenne and Cani 279). Many scientific studies conducted on mice and human volunteers have advanced the understanding of microbiomes and the effects that they have on health, obesity and metabolism. A lot of metagenomic studies have demonstrated that certain types of gut microbiota have the ability to either pr edispose or protect the host’s body from obesity (Turnbaugh, Ley, Mahowald, Magrini, Mardis and Gordon 1027). Through these studies, microbiota transplantations were done in germ-free murine models, revealing that the traits of obese-type gut flora which can efficiently extract energy are transmissible. These scientific studies have also shown that there are certain well known methods through which these microbiomes may a lead to obesity (Delzenne and Cani 280). These methods are through triggering systemic inflammation, promoting the deposition of fat and increasing the harvest of dietary energy. Tsai and Walter (307) suggest that future obesity treatments may require the use of prebiotics and

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

IT Project Risk Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

IT Project Risk Management - Research Paper Example Additionally, efficient and successful project management requires effective management of all avenues that bring uncertainty into the project. The paper is structured into phases that outline how project risk management typology can be achieved effectively. The phases include the define phase, focus phase, identify issue-phase, Structure the Issues phase, Clarify ownership phase, Estimate Variability phase, Evaluate Overall Implications phase, and manage implementation phase. Currently, knowledge has been earmarked as an indispensable ingredient to innovative companies and to their overall objective of maintaining a competitive advantage over their rivals. In particular, knowledge has become an important factor in the development of dynamic key competencies, as well as the vocal point for companies to meet their global ambitions (Talet, Zin & Houari, 2014). IT, in particular, has become an important tool in all-important sectors, and any organization will highly feel the impact of any failure of IT project management on competitive advantage. California Technology Agency (2011) asserts that most of the business managers are not privy of the magnitude IT-related risks in projects management a firm will be exposed. Most of these managers are only able to learn the value of IT-related risks after they have computed the amount of damage the risk has brought about. According to Leong California Technology Agency, (2011) past research studies have primarily be en concerned with how effective IT-related risks may be analyzed and compensated for. Therefore, it would be imperative for IT managers constantly to embrace the holistic view of IT project risk management rather than just focusing only on financial issues. There exist little empirical research studies showing the correct way of handling the management of the IT-related projects risks during the launching of the project. Though a myriad of studies have been done in regards to I.T project risk